Let's face it..!

Sunday, November 26, 2006

Feelings - of a different nature

Well, all that talk about Feelings in the previous post made me think of a song that is totally unrelated to the topic discussed there.
That song has been dancing in my head for quite some time now, so I've decided to post a link to it and maybe it'll get out of my system ...... because it's driving me nuts!!!!!

Morris Albert -- Feelings.


(at least this live version doesn't seem to be as cheesy as the one that I remembered!)

If you like it, enjoy.
If you don't like it, sorry.


How does God view feelings?

We seem to have such a hard time knowing God's feelings about feelings..

On one hand there is the "feelings are ok and even desirable, especially if they are tender feelings toward God Himself". And it's almost like faith gains something with those feelings, and it probably does. But, is faith less faith if you don't have those feelings?

On the other hand there is the "feelings are basically wrong and you can't rely on them to base your beliefs and your life". But, is your life any better without feelings?

And then, there is a "third hand".. what do you do with feelings you know are not right, but you can't stop feeling them?
And, most importantly, how does God view those ones? Does He condemn them? And if so, why? Is there really anybody capable to control their feelings to that point? Is that our goal?
Will we go to Hell if we don't feel the way we're "supposed" to? Can you ask forgiveness - and be forgiven - for something you know was wrong, but you don't feel it was?

I don't know.

Cind and I were sort of talking about it this morning and we don't seem to have an answer.

The thing is, I just don't know how not to feel something, be it good or bad.

I think the only way is His intervention. Both to decipher the good and bad and to eliminate the bad.
Therefore, we're talking about miraculous intervention.
And miraculous is His line of work, so we've got hope.

I guess that's my answer, Cind. Can't offer anything better.

May He intervene in our lives.


Saturday, November 11, 2006

What am I, chopped liver???

Just a brief note to say that my friends' list in the previous two posts is not at all exhaustive. There are many friends I haven't mentioned.
You know who you are.
I love you all, never doubt that.

F r i e n d s -- various thoughts

To Cindy:

You are definitely the most italian of my american friends. I don't know if it's a blessing or a curse! Love ya nontheless.

To Daniela:

I honestly don't know why I'm writing you in English! Anyway.. I love you like you were my little sister... (or my cousin, since some of our fathers' behavior make us think they are long lost brothers!)

To Andrea:

I keep thinking of the word "warrior" for you. Keep up the good fight.

To Colleen:

Peace. I see a hand in the peace "position". In the other hand a violin.

To Lisa:

The one who truly understands being "in the" but "not of".. and I'm not just talking about the "world".

To Donna:

My emotional chiropractor when I first moved here: you helped me adjust.

As I said in my previous post in Italian, it is good to know, that when it comes to my friends, I have a soft place to fall... (and it's not my buns!)

A m i c i - pensieri sparsi

A Davide:

Come tu mi scrivesti una volta. "Di tanto in tanto ci incontreremo - quando ci piacera' - nel bel mezzo di una festa che non puo' mai finire"; sono contenta che ci piace ancora incontrarci.

A Simona:

Siamo proprio simpatiche. E forti. Tu sei forte. In tutti i sensi.

A Peter:

E' una gioia averti ritrovato. Piu' grande di quanto avrei potuto immaginare.

Alla Rox:

Sei proprio un tipino fine. Scusa.

Alla Silviotta:

Una delle risate piu' belle che abbia mai sentito. Riempie la pancia.


Di te mi mancano (fra le altre cose) il caffe' o la tisana bevuti mentre si prendono in giro le telenovele (o chissa' chi altro), ma soprattutto mi manca.. il PILOTA INVISIBILE -- perche' te lo vuoi sempre tenere tutto per te????

Alle FIF in blocco:

Un clan che e' tutto un programma. Televisivo. Rimembranze di video prematrimoniale... Televisione spazzatura? Un programma di giardinaggio? Ah, gia', ora ricordo.. Twin Fif..

A Daniele:

Con te ci ho guadagnato il colore del grano. Anche se tu hai i capelli scuri.

Bello sapere che, comunque vada, con i miei amici casco sempre sul morbido.

[ogni riferimento alle mie "morbide" rotondita' e' puramente casuale!]

Thursday, November 02, 2006


Dopo due anni di attesa, finalmente il mio cucciolo mi da' i baci con lo schiocco!

Un piacere avere il piccolino che si avvicina e ti da' un "pucker" (un baciotto con le labbra "increspate" -- a volte, a dire il vero, a bocca spalancata -- e che fa il tipico rumore del baciotto, appunto). Finora era grassa se avvicinava le labbra. Di solito, alla richiesta di un bacio, porgeva quasi timidamente la guancia (o la fronte) e se io non facevo lo schiocco ripeteva l'azione quasi all'infinito. Non gli tornava che non facessi gli effetti sonori, ma si rifiutava di farli lui stesso! Deve essere la logica maschile che gia' fa capolino in lui (stiamo freschi!)

Comunque ora gli effetti sonori ci sono e sono stati il regalo che lui ha fatto a me in occasione del suo compleanno. Io, in cambio, mi sono limitata a pallone e scatola degli attrezzi di legno. Non c'e' paragone, vince lui.

Buon Compleanno Jojo.

E grazie.

Wednesday, November 01, 2006


I am becoming a big fan!
And I feel I have to share their talent with the World.

Here's Jed with his guitar.


My Photo