Let's face it..!

Monday, October 30, 2006

To life!

Saturday night we went to see a production of "Fiddler on the roof". In all honesty I wasn't sure what to expect because Topol in the movie does such a great job that it is hard to imagine anybody else doing that part. But I really enjoyed it! It was very well done and it filled me with joy. A different kind of joy -- an Eastern European joy. There is something about Eastern Europe that is totally different from anything else. Maybe it's the TRADITION!, that is so lacking in the US, or maybe just a vitality and a true enjoyment for life and for people (and not a joy for accomplishments -- work, possessions, etc.) that permeates you down deep, to the bones.

Whatever it is, my Eastern European blood starts bubbling up when I hear some really fun eastern music (you'll find some of that in my previous posts).. it's like everything inside of me starts dancing.

Dance with me.


Thursday, October 26, 2006

Tuesday, booze-day

Just kidding, of course; no booze around here.
And really no booze involved in this video even if the title is "Whiskey before breakfast".
Trust me on this.

And then go check this cool video out.

KUDOS to you, Jed and Harry. Keep up the good work.
Love ya.


Tuesday, October 24, 2006

No charge.

Stumbled upon this video by accident.
Loved it.
It somehow fits with my life and my desires at this moment.

And there is no charge.


Sunday, October 22, 2006

The best job

I haven't been to a concert in ages.
I mean a "real" concert that involves really loud music and a bunch of people screaming. I think the last one was Paul Simon's concert in Florence. Simona and I had so much fun!! To be honest I haven't been to such kind of concert a whole lot in my life, but once in a great while I think it's fun. Selected stuff, however. One that I would like to go to would be Huey Lewis & The News' one. I wonder when they'll ever come to the town I live.. Ha! Ha! Ha!

(for those who accidently happened to look at this blog and don't know where I am, all you need to know is that I live in a small town in the middle of the Bible Belt, which I don't mind at all, but definitely not a place Huey Lewis and the likes are likely to perform)

If I were to pick a career (apart from being a mother) I would choose Huey Lewis'. He seems to have such great fun in what he does! He loves it and seems to truly enjoy it. On top of that he gets a chance to travel the world. That would be my next choice -- being a journalist who reports on turistic places and gets to go there and breathe, eat, touch places and things.
Maybe what I just said may sound shallow (compared to dreaming of jobs that are truly making an impact on other lives)... but right now I feel a little shallow and actually enjoying it! (how shallow is that???)

...well it's alright, have a good time, 'cause it's alright!

Enjoy Huey. And by the way, for those of you more "conservative" this is acappella. (Sort of an inside joke)


(this is from youtube from a live concert, when I find out how to upload songs from a cd I may do it for a better quality "experience")

[Sheila -- I would love your thoughts on this music.]

Friday, October 20, 2006

Soft as the rain

Thursday, October 19, 2006


I can only imagine.. and I cannot imagine.

(Thanks Cindy for sharing this with me and insisting that I watch it ASAP, or definitely before going to bed tonight. I needed it. Keeps things in perspective. I needed it. Love ya.)


More sugar, please.


A buon intenditor poche parole.

Chi ha orecchi per udire, oda.. anzi, in questo caso: chi ha bocca per assaporare, assapori.

Avrei anche potuto mettere una foto di un barattolo della Nutella. Il concetto e' lo stesso.
O quasi.

Si tratta di diverse dimensioni di bonta'...

Wednesday, October 18, 2006

no comment

No need for, at least not for me.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KaHtzYN0h7U (SO2)

Tuesday, October 17, 2006

A gift today

Un viaggio in fondo ai tuoi occhi...

A stranger gave me a gift: a few days ago he (or she) posted a favorite of mine on Youtube.
I am now just passing it on.


.. dentro una lacrima..

Sunday, October 01, 2006

La D.C.

No, non il partito, la canzone:

La Donna Cannone

Butterò questo mio enorme cuore tra le stelle un giorno, giurò che lo farò.
E oltre l'azzurro della tenda, nell'azzurro, io volerò.
Quando la donna cannone, d'oro e d'argento diventerà.
Senza passare per la stazione l'ultimo treno prenderà.
In faccia ai maligni e ai superbi, il mio nome scintillerà.
Dalle porte della notte, il giorno si bloccherà.
Un applauso del pubblico pagante, lo sottolineerà
E dalla bocca del cannone, una canzone suonerà.

E con le mani amore, per le mani ti prenderò
e senza dire parole, nel mio cuore ti porterò,
e non avrò paura se non sarò bella come dici tu,
ma voleremo in cielo in carne ed ossa,
non torneremo più.
E senza fame e senza sete,
e senza ali e senza rete, voleremo via.

Così la donna cannone, quell'enorme mistero volò.
Tutta sola verso un cielo nero, nero s'incamminò.
Tutti chiusero gli occhi, nell'attimo esatto in cui sparì.
Altri giurarono e spergiurarono che non erano mai stati li'.

E con le mani amore,
con le mani ti prenderò e senza dire parole,
nel mio cuore ti porterò,
e non avrò paura se non sarò bella come vuoi tu.
Ma voleremo in cielo in carne ed ossa,
non torneremo più.
E senza fame, senza sete,
e senza ali e senza rete,
voleremo via.

Una mela in un mondo di pere (an apple in a world of pears)

I sometimes feel like that little dog in the bun. Out of place. If you were to explain her situation it may even sound reasonable. A (hot) dog in a bun with ketchup; what's the problem?
But the reality is that something is off, way off. And when that' s how you feel you cannot even explain it. You just feel odd, an apple in a world full of pears. Once in a while you find another apple on your path and you're able to share some of this journey. However it's a rare occurence, here, for me. How do you overcome that awkwardness? Should it be a goal at all to overcome it?
There is a war inside me, between the (very human) desire to fit and the desire to be my (awkward) self. At this moment the latter is winning. Thank God. There is sort of a repulsion in me towards conforming.. Sometimes (as I said) the desire to do so is present in me, but it is never a pleasant feeling. I tend to fight it with every fiber in me. And when I give in (knowingly or unknowingly) what I am left with is a sense of defeat, emptiness and plain misery. Like someone cut off a part of my body (and sometimes I think that sort of physical loss would be more bearable)
C'est la vie, I guess.

Right now Myself (my Phaedrus) is here, very alive. Imperfect, sinful, messed up and real.
No faking or performing.

And it feels liberating.


How about a bit more music?

Category: Bijelo Dugme
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jw0oUmKTlAc (Djurdjevdan)
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v8JBKdpWQDc (same song as the previous, but uzivo - live)

Category: Baglioni
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IBwO0bLlR60 (Fotografie)
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=saHrJ-YbqVo (Mille giorni di te e di me)
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ptj5rK_XY_M (E tu)
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GB0mtfuOJAw (Amore bello)
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9wr2hNFioIw (Io sono qui)
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6fZmmlLAL9Y (Questo piccolo grande amore)

Category: Brega
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3temUF8mNQs (Kalashnikov)
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UmUqw8GSOzQ (Kalashnikov II)

Category: Zucchero and friends
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cOBVHC7UtCU (Muoio per te) w/Sting
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bD-sY2NVn9c (Overdose d'amore)
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cRQpubl6hQ0 (Miserere) w/Placido Domingo
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KaHtzYN0h7U (Hey Man) w/Eric Clapton
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BHMwR0jPKSY (Senza una donna)

Just pick one and enjoy. I hope.

(I think I've got it out of my system now -- no more music links for a while)

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