What about a Nobel for Consistency???
I received this email recently. I thought it was appropriate to post it today, at the news that Al Gore (my favorite person!!! ha! ha! ha! see post on March 13th, '07.. sorry I can't put the link) has received the Peace Nobel Prize. [just a reminder -- Arafat did too!]
This story of two houses is interesting because it reveals
something that is the opposite of what we would expect.
House #1
A 20 room mansion (not including 8 bathrooms) heated by natural gas.
It has a pool (and a pool house) and a separate guest house, all
heated by gas. In one month this residence consumes more energy
than the average American household does in a year. The average bill
for electricity and natural gas runs over $2400. In natural gas alone,
this property consumes more than 20 times the national average for an
American home. This house is not situated in a Northern or Midwestern
"snow belt" area. It's in the South.
House #2
Designed by an architecture professor at a leading national university.
This house incorporates every "green" feature current home
construction can provide. The house is 4,000 square feet (4 bedrooms)
and is nestled on a high prairie in the American southwest. A central
closet in the house holds geothermal heat-pumps drawing ground water
through pipes sunk 300 feet into the ground. The water (usually 67
degrees F.) heats the house in the winter and cools it in the summer.
The system uses no fossil fuels such as oil or natural gas and it
consumes one-quarter electricity required for a conventional heating/
cooling system. Rainwater from the roof is collected and funneled into
a 25,000 gallon underground cistern. Wastewater from showers, sinks
and toilets goes into underground purifying tanks and then into the
cistern. The collected water then irrigates the land surrounding the
house. Surrounding flowers and shrubs native to the area enable the
property to blend into the surrounding rural landscape.
HOUSE #1 is outside of Nashville , Tennessee ;
it is the residence of "environmentalist" Al Gore.
HOUSE #2 is on a ranch near Crawford , Texas ;
it is the residence of President George W. Bush.
Can you please translate? :-PPP
Provvedero' al piu' presto..
Non lo navide....capisco che cosa intendi con questo esempio che è certo esplicativo. Ma il "predicare bene e razzolare male" non credo tenga stavolta. In un tema come questo, più che i vizi privati contano le pubbliche virtù e in campo ambientalista George W ne ha proprio pochine.
La mia non era una difesa di Bush, anche perche' lui non ha messo la "faccia avanti" per rappresentare cosi' pubblicamente questa causa.
E non vedo come puoi separare il privato dal pubblico, specialmente in questo caso. Se vai a vedere il mio post di Marzo (e tieni sempre a mente che sono una 'profana', non una scienziata) vedrai che una delle cose che critico di Gore e' il fatto che lui insiste che la situazione ambientale puo' essere notevolmente migliorata se ogni singolo cittadino fa il suo! Non dovrebbe essere lui il primo a darci l'esempio??
E che si dice del fatto che quando era in una posizione pubblica (il vice presidente, cavolo!) non ha fatto proprio un fico secco per questa causa che gli sta cosi' a cuore da quando era all'universita'??
Purtroppo quello che vedo e' che tutto questo e' piu' che altro "self serving" per Gore.
Detto questo, tengo a precisare che la causa e' buona e giusta. E' la scelta del suo rappresentante che mi disturba.
PS -- sarei curiosa di sapere se hai visto il suo film e cosa ne pensi.
Where did you get this information?
This is actually an email that Carla forwarded to me. However you can check it out on Snopes.com and Truthorfiction.com and they'll confirm it.
On my March post about "An Inconvenient Truth" I put a link to an article in which it is also mentioned. And they quote Gore's spokeperson saying that the energy he consumes is ok because it's for "the cause". If you have time (e la voglia) I'm sure you can find it easily on the web.
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