Let's face it..!

Tuesday, March 28, 2006

I gave in..

I gave in: I finally entered the new century (a few years late..) and joined the millions and billions and trillions of bloggers who invade the internet every day.
This will truly be just an experiment to test and challenge my passion for writing. I have yet to decide what I am going to tackle here, but I definitely don't want it to be just a "Today I feel.." kind of thing. I have plenty of personal "paper" journals to do that (don't even ask how many!)
A word of caution: this will be a bilingual blog, possibly tri-lingual at times. I apologize for any annoyance caused to those who will miss parts of it because not fluent in one of the languages represented here, but I cannot promise to translate everything I post here.
This is it for now..

Oh! Just a note for Cindy -- as you can see, I was thinking of you when I named this blog!

B blessd


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